Follow for free on my Patreon.
I post updates and new music every few days.
Never a great time to rebuild the website
Please bare with me whilst I burn the place down and put it back probably just as it was.
All my updates for free over on my Patreon
My Patreon is here and I post regular updates to everyone that follows me, including the free tier. Please sign up and consider becoming a Patron over there Thank you, S.
'Song For Fee' (08/12/23 Gelegenheiten, Berlin)
Thoughts and music from last Friday’s Berlin show here.
Last concerts of 2023 into 2024
Just a handful of concerts left this year, including shows in Cologne, Essen, Berlin, Dresden and finally Stuttgart and Freiburg. Still a couple of free dates left for simple shows - if you can help or offer something please drop me an email here.
I start 2024 with a little show in Hamburg and then 2 free nights for anywhere between there and Aachen…
It goes on, let’s see.
Thanks all
Listen to: 'While I Was Sleeping' (28/10/23 Zucker, Darmstadt)
Click through to listen to a song from my concert on Saturday.
October shows
My October plans:
10/10/23 House Concert, Hamburg
11/10/23 House Concert, Hamburg
12/10/23 Tonfink, Lübeck
13/10/23 Prinz Willy, Kiel
14/10/23 Café Feuerwache, Hamburg
15/10/23 Deichdiele, Hamburg
16/10/23 Lítil, Hamburg
18/10/23 Hole Of Fame, Dresden
19/10/23 Lila Drache, Halle
20/10/23 FREE
27/10/23 FREE
28/10/23 Zucker, Darmstadt
Please contact me for any details about any of these - you are all most welcome.
'Gelegenheiten' Berlin show cancelled - looking for replacement.
Apparently my Berlin show, fixed back in January and reconfirmed by the venue last week has to be cancelled. I have been told another event is planned for my concert date and they won't honour the original plan with me.
I've played there 7 times and always had a lovely time there. The last was back in 2019 and full and fun so I was obviously happy to be going back. Now I am looking for another Berlin show as my travel is fixed.
Can anyone in town help with a simple show somewhere? A house concert perhaps? Or can simply offer to host me for a night or two?
Would be for the 05.10.23 and / or 06.10.23
Otherwise I skip Berlin for now and try for something some other time.
'Waldheim' - 12 songs from a recent radio broadcast is out now
Number 37 in The Great Park's monthly subscription releases is out now. ‘Waldheim’ is twelve songs from a live radio broadcast in the garden of the Waldheim Wangen restaurant in the hills outside Stuttgart.
Available as a hand stamped CD-r edition with hand typed and personalised sleeves, linear notes and full quality digital download.
The Bandcamp digital download includes photos from the concert and a pdf with linear notes.
Physical edition available throughout September, digital anytime.
€10 digital / €15 physical including postage anywhere at Bandcamp or Patreon.
I’ve recently been uploading music to Soundcloud again just to see how it is and if I could host some private releases there for my Patreon and Bandcamp subscribers. Below is the recently found live recording from Eindhoven and I put the new album ‘Hound’ up there too. If anyone still uses Soundcloud please head over and listen, follow, say hello to me there. Will be adding more music soon for sure.
Next is Myspace.
Thanks all,