UT Connewitz in Leipzig this Saturday (free download)

I’m very happy to be returning to the magnificent UT Connewitz in Leipzig this Saturday night. A big old cinema and home to a great program of musicians over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have played there twice before. This weekend is a Woodland Recordings label night so my dear friends Vivian Void and Geneva are playing too. If you use Facebook the event is here.

The last time I played there was back in 2014 and the recording from my concert that night is currently up as a free download on my Bandcamp page here.

Also, Mina Reischer filmed the whole thing on Hi-8 video tape and that can be watched right below.

The night before, that is tomorrow, I’ll be at Gelegenheiten in Berlin. Also happy to be going back there and if anyone wants to join me there well that’s really brilliant too.

See you soon



'Winter' by The Diamond Family Archive (free download)


St Arbogast