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I post updates and new music every few days.
'Song For Fee' (08/12/23 Gelegenheiten, Berlin)
Thoughts and music from last Friday’s Berlin show here.
'Gelegenheiten' Berlin show cancelled - looking for replacement.
Apparently my Berlin show, fixed back in January and reconfirmed by the venue last week has to be cancelled. I have been told another event is planned for my concert date and they won't honour the original plan with me.
I've played there 7 times and always had a lovely time there. The last was back in 2019 and full and fun so I was obviously happy to be going back. Now I am looking for another Berlin show as my travel is fixed.
Can anyone in town help with a simple show somewhere? A house concert perhaps? Or can simply offer to host me for a night or two?
Would be for the 05.10.23 and / or 06.10.23
Otherwise I skip Berlin for now and try for something some other time.
New 'I Do Wrong' video from 'I Know What I Make Isn't Fine - The Winter Recordings'
Filmed in Berlin back in 2010, this is a new video for the newly mixed / mastered version of ‘I Do Wrong’ from ‘I Know What I Make Isn’t Fine - The Winter Recordings’ that’s out next weekend.
I Know What I Make Isn’t Fine - The Winter Recordings
I Know What I Make Isn’t Fine
The Royal Canal
Boys, I Am Worried
You Are Better Than This
Song For A Coalman
Joe And Robert And Me And Mike
Song For Fee
Make A Dead One Of It
I Do Wrong
We Could Have, We Should Have, We Didn’t
Suit Of Stones
Paper Birds
Fair And Fine
You Belong To Me, You Do
I Know What I Make Isn’t Fine (first take)
Number 20 in the monthly subscription releases coming 01.01.2022.
19 songs originally recorded in December 2010 for the album 'Winter'. 7 unreleased tracks, all songs remixed and remastered.
Available as a hand stamped CD edition with hand typed and personalised sleeves, linear notes and full quality digital download.
Digital download includes pdf with linear notes.
Physical edition available throughout January, digital anytime. €10 digital / €15 physical including postage anywhere at my Patreon or Bandcamp sites.
20 concerts from 2020
I played just twenty concerts last year and here’s the pages from my diary for the last two. I scanned the rest and made a series of all of them that are over on my Patreon here now.
I’d like to think everyone that’s into my stuff considers supporting me directly over on Patreon but more than that I do hope I get to play more concerts soon, my word.
Free 'September 2020' compilation now available
A new 10 song compilation of songs from last month’s concerts is now available as a free download to everyone signed up for my newsletter here.
when i was away (rostock)
i was in the north before the fall (rendsburg)
down down down (rostock)
pure black coal (rostock)
polly vaughan (berlin)
fold culinary (hannover)
make each other anew (copenhagen)
it don’t stop the bleeding (rostock)
barbara allen (rendsburg)
so long song (berlin)
From a crowded, smoky bar in Hannover through a rainy garden in Rostock and finishing up in a backyard in West Berlin, this was a strange but hugely enjoyable set of concerts at a time when the chance to play in front of people is a rare thing indeed.
Thanks to everyone who made it possible despite everything.
To all on my old fashioned mailing list - I hope you enjoy it and big thanks for sticking with me.