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I post updates and new music every few days.
'KIEL' free download and limited CD-r now available
A recording from my concert at Prinz Willy in Kiel, Germany on the 25th of November is now available for everyone through my Bandcamp as a full quality download and also as a very simple, physical edition on CD-r.
This was a nice evening for me, with a quiet audience and a great sound in the little place. I worked on the recording the past weekend and I think it turned out ok, perhaps the best sounding concert I've had for a while.
When I Was Away
The Royal Canal
Here Comes Your Son
Lover O Lover
So Long Song
I Do Wrong
We Could Have, We Should Have, We Didn’t
Work With This
Super Good Advice
Leave Well Alone
Paper Birds
We Swam A Little Song
'Winter' by The Diamond Family Archive (free download)
At Prinz Willy
Winter is indeed upon most of us and yesterday I slipped and sloshed through the first snow I’ve seen fall. I’m home for a few days and reflecting and listening on what I’ve been making the last weeks. To start with, here’s a couple of things around a song by The Diamond Family Archive that I’ve been playing in the recent concerts.
At Prinz Willy’s wonderful corner bar in Kiel I played a rather quieter concert that was very enjoyable. Held the songs close and tried not to let things get too loud or unhinged. By the end of the night I was fit to burst and sure enough lashed out a bit at some innocent members of the nice audience. Apologies and whiskies went some way to fixing things, as is often the case.
Anyway, here’s from earlier in the set - ‘Winter’ by The Diamond Family Archive played spontaneously and a little wobbly true enough.
And here’s Laurence’s original, spectral version to listen and download:
Years ago in Brighton we even played it together:
I urge you all to go and listen to more music by this band, always so magic.
The Diamond Family Archive on Bandcamp
The Diamond Family Archive on Spotify
Have a nice weekend, speak soon
I believe this is @marshasdad_outside, whose point of view you can see here.